
Showing posts from November, 2010

I'M addictedd.!

to editinggg.:)) internet today is veryyy2 sloww. kne tggu nk tgk PK.n kne tggu die buffering smpi abess!! hu3 nevermind,smbl tggu smbl tue editt!!:)) & addicted to pianooo!! im learning now, with virtual piano. it's not easy, & totally hard. still, i want to learn so that i can play Junsu's song in Sungkyunkwan Scandal - Too Love.! im totally in <3 with this songg.!!! is the 16th episode of SKKS.i thought 16 is the last episode since most of korean dramas ended on 16th. but it have 4 more episodes before finish.ughh.another 2 weeks...i guess its ok since i get to watch MICKY in tv for 2 more weeksss!!! weeee~~~~ :)))

Heart tingling agony .

  JYJ WORLDWIDE CONCERT IN SEOUL IS GREAT! i wish that Malaysia is included in the concert list. as JJ already promised us cassies last time.:))

Just me & u.:)

JYJ performed 'EMPTY' at Billboard!! :) these guys are just too awesomeee.weeee~~~~ pic credit to : & DBSK 'soompi' thread & DBSK Sleepless Night. ( which one? ) this is just for me.n seriously i need photoshoppp!! so that i can doodling with 'pro' skill?? ;p;p;p


terengganu trip is cancelled,bcos of renault's, instead we went to ZOO! :) sudah lama tak ke zoo negara. so me & family went there, so that aisyah can see animals 'live' .he2 i'll update with a bunch of pictures soonn..~~~~ as promised:  there's a lot of picsss : 300+ pics.:)) he3 p/s: rase mcm nk window shoppingla.hu3

Laen Kali Jangan...

jgn ckp besarr.hu3 kan da kene.. sapee??? akula.. sblom nie mlm sblm exam stil ley bace buku,skang lagsg x dpt.sbb per??? demam!!! sgt2.hu2.can't stay up after 11.T.T so paper Audit yg bru lps td & Company Law ahad leps,sgtla aku rase papers yg agak truk pena aku wat.hu2 skang tggl paper FIE.jumaat nie.esok da kene study,tkt hari khms da x larat.:) 화이팅!!   lps FIE sgt legaa.abes exammm.....~~ bole berfoya2!! waahahhhaaa. nk tgk Harry Potter!! sgt tidak sabbarrr.he2 nk meng'maraton' cite koreaaaa~~~:) but first thing first.STUDY!! semoga semuanya berakhir ngan baik & kami semua mndpt good result. Amin. 

Fun Editinggg.~~~

seronok gak bermain2 ngan windows movie maker.! he3 try utk edit2 movie n makes gif.... so coolll...~~~ :))) i've tried some.n convert it to some gif. & even try to make gif from photoscape.he3 here's some. From Beast new MV teaser - Beautiful aku akan cube lagi something yg more,more,more fun n advance from these 'cheesecake' thingyy.he3 mayb after i've finished my final exam..;)))

Hang Out!!!!

it was a marvelous Wednesdayyyy.;)) aku,erna,lulu, & miss azlimi went for some fun ke Wangsa Walk Mall! nape g sane???  sebb erna ngan lulu tingin nk g sane.he3 kami jalan2,jelajah wangsa walk. masuk kdi cd.he3 usha JYJ nye album kt erna n miss.^^ then ktorg decide nk g kareoke.he3 tp sblm 2,ktorg solat maghrib dlu,sbb da msk waktu. pas2 ktorg g melalak kt bilik kareoke!!!! waaahhhaaa. agak tidak sopan kann??? hu3 dengan berbaju kurung,kami pnh knfiden msk kareokeee.. mcm2 lagu ktorg nyanyi selama 1 hour.:)) ktorg minum bubbble tea...aku order yogurt since miss da order coklat.wahh.tidak sedap perisa yogurt.coklat gak yg sedap.hu3 then,ktorg pekena char kuey tiaw & nasi lemak ayam kt Taman Bunga Raya, Setapak.:)) dalam kol 10 bru aku smpi umah.he2..i2pn miss speed up dri anta erna n lulu..waahh.agak terkesima gak akuu, bile  miss speed up.hu2 anyway.thanks miss.;)) sbb belanja ktorg.he3

Dedicated to MIcky Yoochun.

a.k.a Park Yoochun.;)              This is a special post just to say ' I'm Really,really love your new hair' !!!!     You look even cuter.he3 credit : to the name above. & someone tumblr.( sorry i cant remember) -short term memory loss- p/s : sorry for my fan girl bias.this is just me.;))

A day in Putrajaya.

Sabtu lepas kami menuju ke Putrajaya~~~~~ ^^ meng'camwhoring' sane sini..aku & family pun bertolak dlm kol 6 lebiy. smpi2 pun da nak maghrib.alang-alang,sembahyangla kt masjid besar itu. makan nasi goreng thai yg sememangnye berbeza ngan yg biasa aku makan.nasi goreng die x de telur mata kerbau & ayam goreng kunyit..x kesah, janji sedap.he3 & bersiar2 menaiki basiikal roda 3,yg amat sush tok dkayuh.hu3 igtkan nak naek bot persiaran, tp alangkah sengalnye akuu,x bawak IC,x ley dpt diskaun.hu3 kol 11,bru kami selamat smpi d'rumah. 19/12 nnt.insyallah akan pergi ke Putrajaya lagi,utk pertunangan my beloved friend! he3

Interesting Fact.

For me only.;) saya sudah tahu bagaimana mahu menggunakan korean keyboard! :)) terasa mcm mahu bragging.he3 some of my korean.;p;p 아인 . (my name). 동방신기, 사랑해요 박 유쳔 김 재종 대박!!! writing in hangul words is pretty hard! need to know the words in korean first, & then you will know how to type it in korean.huhu. but,practice makes perfect! :)))


boleh tak student kt Malaysia nie,x ade exam???!!! waahhh.sedap gitue. nevermind. next 2 weeks da stat final exam for semester 1 2010/2011 ! JADUAL EXAM 20.11.2010  -  FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 5 & TAXATION  21.11.2010 - COMPANY LAW 23.11.2010 - AUDITING 26.11.2010 - FOUNDATION OF ISLAMIC ECONOMICS p/s : onew is wishing me good luck!. ;) Komawoyo...~~~

The Beginning.

This is it.. the beginning of everything in my life.   aku harap,aku still dpt spend time for always updating this blog.      * cross my finger *