
Showing posts from December, 2010


karenah manusia nie.hu3 currenlty BC class,baju da 'ok'.tudung blom & mission da ad.lagu tgh trcari2.motto da ade.lagu kene 'happening2', & then kene 'gelek2' skit.ha2.aku dala keras,camnela nnt agaknye?? hmm.;p;p budak laki cam sush nk bg kejesama.dok 'ngumpat' jeee keje dorg.nsb baek ngumpt dpn2 org tue,walaupn die x dgr.hu2 sir bad da bg ktorg 'warning', to do the BEST! kene compete ngan kls BC yg lec laen.ntahla cam x yakin jer.hu3.biarla group laen dlm kelas tue 'rebut' title the BEST! :) tadi Madam Zanariah , the 'new' lec tok kelas Takaful.Miss farah sblm nie ad ckp yg gnti ktorg SIR RIDZUAN.rupenye fadli ckp td MISS/MADAM RIDZUANA?? cam g2 la name die.last2 yg msk kelas madam die kate die ajar skjp je,smpi budk2 degree da msk kelas blk pertghn Jan nie.hu2.tukar lecturer lagi! aisehh. dgr cite UPU tok dak pas DIP bukak awal bulan Jan until April.wawa da ajak wat aku cam trtnye2 ga

Happy 7th Anniversary.!

Today is 26th December 2010. The 7th Anniversary for DBSK/TVXQ. Happy Always.:) although you guys now on different ways. We Cassies,will ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH.^^


agak lame x meng'update' blog nie.1 of the reasons,laptop aku rosak blk!! hu3 sediy2.kali ke-3 rosak,sbb gne window yg x ori.T.T baru blk dri kenduri rumah pak cik zack.anak die azmi kawin.bile pg au4,die cam mengimbas blk kenangan lame.tigt time drjh4 tggl kt situ,smpi drjh 6.pas2 trjmpe cikgu Hamidah.:) my lovely addmath teacher.^^ die still igt my name.:) last week aku tlh meneroka hampir kesemua shoping mall yg ade sekitar lembah klang.! he3 hari rabu pg midvalley.hari jumaat pegi Jalan TAR+JJ Wangsa Maju+JJ AU2+Carefour+KLCC.sgt2 penat,sbb nk carik baju BC yg last,ktorg bli kt JJ AU2.sekarang aku plak nk carik baju wrne ungu.memgla x same ngan bju2 mereka yg kecik skit dari aku,janji cam 'sir bad' ckp,base wrne ade.:) 13 jan da kene pki baju BC for 'Corporate Day'.Hari Khamis adela hari 'Corporate Day' kelas ktorg.:) Blazer da ad.tggl seluar & tudung@selendang and kasut.mst pki ade heel,x ke wedges.hu2 hari isnin lagi satu,da kne


Ros Engagement Day. 19/12/2010. Presint 9,Putrajaya. remember i told you in last few posts that im going to Putrajaya again?? ya,yesterday is the first,ktorg plan nk pegi dlm 4 org,but at last,me & sarah only went there.T.T pretty sad,sbb ber2 je pegi Putrajaya by public's.nevermind,Erna & Lulu ad condition that cannot avoid. CONGRATZ TO ROSBIAH & HILMI.:))


i've received the JYJ FM cd from Mana Unnie few days here's some pictures.:) ^ the form we need to fill to buy the ticket. ^ the tickets! :))

TRON: Legacy

i went to watch this movie yesterday with my sis n bro at Wangsa Walk Mall. this drama is quite byk sgt dialog,x de action byk sgt.humor tue adela kalo betol ad game 'TRON',seriously aku nk maen,game die cam best! :))

Yay! I got it!! :))

Alhamdulillah.:)  bile aku bukak email yesterday, ade email from Korea Plaza.:) i'm one of the shortlisted student to attend the class, as i register on Monday 10.30 am - 12.30 pm.:)  i hope i'll get a lot of new friends.^^ the class will be held at 'Korea Plaza' at Jalan P.Ramlee.:)  Wish me luck on studying new language.^^ p/s: just got the mail from 'mana unnie'!! :) the JYJ FM CD is here!! i cant stop smiling while watching the video of them performing! 

Bold what's true.

i got this from Soompi, Humor thread.:) It’s night right now. There’s something else you should be doing at the moment. You ate chicken today. You are lactose intolerant. There’s a nearby TV on. You get along with your neighbors. Twilight is a horrible series. You’re hungry right now. You have worked out today. Running a mile sounds awful. You have a job. You love to bake Christmas cookies. Your parents are still together. You woke up before 8 this morning. Baths are better than showers. You are 5’5” or shorter. You hate British accents. Victoria’s Secret is a good store. Cats are better than dogs. The 90’s sucked. Your cell phone is right next to you. Your favorite color is either blue or purple. Your hair is short. You are by yourself right now. The last thing you drank was water . You’re in your PJ’s right now. Your hair color is natural. Fred from Youtube is annoying. You don’t drink soda. You are at least 130 lbs. There’s at le

My Favourite Comedian.

people always post about their favourite actor or actress. now i want to post  about my favourite comedian. ( 남자 & 여자 ) 이수근 ( Lee Su Geun)            Born - 10 February 1975, Married .  Gagman in KBS Gag Concert. i like him especially in 2 Days & 1 Night.:)) & his wife is beautiful n so their son.^^ ^ with his friends in Gag Concert. ^ fellow 2 Days & 1 night Family.    김신영 ( Kim Shin Young ) Born - 30 January 1984, Single. i've started to love her in Invicible Youth. SHe's so funny.:)) ^ she with Invicible Youth girls : Narsha & Sun Hwa. She's also 'the queen of parodies' !! that's also why i love her more. her parodies are just too funny n always made my day.:)) ^ parody of Rain SOng. ^ parody of Narsha's song. credit pictures & info : wikipedia & google.

Home Alone.

again!. owh yeah,on my own will.:) my cousins get engaged today.& COngrats TO you,K.Amy.:)) what did i do todayy?? hmm.basically cleaning houses ..& spent most of the times watching tv & movies.:) Amazing Race Asia Marathon on Axn.from 1st episode until the final race,which Richards's team won the 100,000 US Dollar followed with Michelle & Claire's team ( i love them ) and the Indonesian team. & one taiwenese movie : Invitation Only. dont really like this movie,cos of the gross scene.ughh.die tortured victims,stapler muke die,slit muke die n then tmbh garam.geli2x. nak jugak tgk cite Grind Meat - Thai Movie,but beginning is kind of boring,n i cant wait.hu3 Earlier,kt History Channel ade wat discovery pasl Highland Tower Tragedy.hmm.the story is kind of short.not mant input included,mayb dorg x de byk information for this case.but it is kind of useful for me, since im not really aware or know about this incident.


benci,benci,benciiii!!! aku menang 2 tiket pegi konsert x dpt nk collect tiket tue.since im clever enough x check email kt spam sectionn!!!! ughhh. n missed 3 calls from them 2 days before.n now..;(( i write this out of frustrationn!!!

JYJ Album Showcase in Malaysia.

i've always wanted to write this.what people call 'fan account' from meeting a artist.:) i know it's already too late to write's been 2 months since they came and i meet them at stadium negara.:) Whatever it is,still i want to fulfill my wish to write 'a fan account'.:) JYJ ALBUM SHOWCASE IN MALAYSIA : THE BEGINNING Venue : Stadium Negara Time : 2.30 p.m  Date : 17th October 2010 i've decided not to write fan account since im lazy for typing.T.T just pictures that r really useless!! ughh.i hate it.i left my camera batery at home.i cant really took pictures,unless audios n vids ( not really clear).T.T & some videos.      & that's all.i hope i have a chance to meet them again at their worldwide concert in Malaysia. Jaejoong + Junsu + Micky , Please Come Againn!! <3<3

Happy Birthday Aisyah Qistina.:)

Happy 3rd birthday to my lil sister : Aisyah Qistina Bt Aziz. & 22nd Wedding anniversary for my mom and dad.:) hope years ahead will be more happy always.^^ we went to Secret Recipe to celebrate.:) May Allah Bless Our Family Always.^^ InsyaAllah.

Good Bye IIC.:)

Final good bye tok International Islamic College.;) now im in my final semester.Semester 8.most of students takes 7 sem,but 'Us' try to take slowly on our,in this last sems,we only take 3  subjects.! im in heaven..;)) my schedule for this sem : kene register tok ibadah camp pulak.aish,hari khamis da kene g kelas.kalo tak jumaat plak nk kene pegi semata2 nk register ibadah camp.wwaaahh,x kuasa aku.hu3 there's a lot of money & things needed for Business COmunication class..need  to find work for extra moneeyy.Chaiyok2x Ain.:))

A trip to Perak.:)

Ktorg 1 Family Bertolak ke Perak hari ahad..Pas Zohor baru brtolak dlm kol 3 cam tue.before dat,pagi tue aku nervous semacam nk tgk result semester 7.hu3.rileks jer bukak laman web IIC,tgk2 result da kuar.alhamdulillah.1st tyme aku dlm 'dean list' tok semester panjang..iyela kolej tue x iktiraf student yg dpt 3.5 & above time semester pendek dlm 'dean list'.hu3.Bersyukur sgt2.:)) i'm in so much stress & a lot of problems occured during semester 7,but im still manage to get a 'good' proud of myself.;) Mama nk ke Kuala Kangsar,tp abah nk ker Taiping.but in the end ktorg g Kuala Kangsar gak.sampai je umah embah semalam,dlm kol 7.30 malam.kol 9 lebiy ktorg g Lekir umah Mak Long.ade knduri tok anak Kak Umi & Kak Bariah.2-2 anak dorg lelaki..mlm tue ktorg tido umah embah.walaupun bantal & selimut tak de,ktorg tidur beralaskan tikar & kusyen jer.sediy3..embah,mak cik, mak su and mak ngah pegi 'Haji', so umah tue takdela org..

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader !

  in 3D.:)) love it so muchh!!..aku ngan lulu tgk d Times Square..first2 nk tgk Harry Potter..but yg ade tok Premier Class jer,n what's the difference betwin PC and normall?? i also dont know.aku tye kt miss jual tkt tue,die pn x jwb soalan aku.hu3.igt nk bli,tmpt yg tgl front seatt! wahh,skt leher nnti sape nk tanggungg?? aku x jadi,ktorg pn tgkla narnia..RM18 at 2.30ptg.kalo kol 2 mhl sktt.nape berbeza aku pn x tye.he3 sgtla best.ktorg dok seat C soo,die cm atas skitt..n x pening kepala tgk.sblm ne tgk FInal Destination 4.huh,skt kepala pki cermin mata 3D tue,n seat ktorg dpn skitt..hu3 x byk sgt scene Peter & Susan..mostly scenes Lucy and Edmund n their die Eustace.seriuosly dgr Edmund pggl name cousin die cam 'Useless'!! he3  & the Prince Caspian is much2 hotter & handsome than previous Prince Caspiann!! he3. disarankan utk tgkk.he3 nant2la aku tgk Harry Potter..dkt Wangsa Walk Mall pn bole.:) ohh.kt TS decoration for christmas da