The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader !

in 3D.:))
love it so muchh!!..aku ngan lulu tgk d Times Square..first2 nk tgk Harry Potter..but yg ade tok Premier Class jer,n what's the difference betwin PC and normall?? i also dont know.aku tye kt miss jual tkt tue,die pn x jwb soalan aku.hu3.igt nk bli,tmpt yg tgl front seatt! wahh,skt leher nnti sape nk tanggungg?? aku x jadi,ktorg pn tgkla narnia..RM18 at 2.30ptg.kalo kol 2 mhl sktt.nape berbeza aku pn x tye.he3
sgtla best.ktorg dok seat C soo,die cm atas skitt..n x pening kepala tgk.sblm ne tgk FInal Destination 4.huh,skt kepala pki cermin mata 3D tue,n seat ktorg dpn skitt..hu3
x byk sgt scene Peter & Susan..mostly scenes Lucy and Edmund n their die Eustace.seriuosly dgr Edmund pggl name cousin die cam 'Useless'!! he3  & the Prince Caspian is much2 hotter & handsome than previous Prince Caspiann!! he3.
disarankan utk tgkk.he3 nant2la aku tgk Harry Potter..dkt Wangsa Walk Mall pn bole.:)
ohh.kt TS decoration for christmas da add.:) n its cutee..aku x posing tgkp gamba,sbb segan.he3 tp luluuu,posing sakan..!! nnt aku upload gmb diee.he3


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