Home Alone.

again!. owh yeah,on my own will.:) my cousins get engaged today.& COngrats TO you,K.Amy.:))
what did i do todayy?? hmm.basically cleaning houses ..& spent most of the times watching tv & movies.:)

Amazing Race Asia Marathon on Axn.from 1st episode until the final race,which Richards's team won the 100,000 US Dollar followed with Michelle & Claire's team ( i love them ) and the Indonesian team.

& one taiwenese movie : Invitation Only.

dont really like this movie,cos of the gross scene.ughh.die tortured victims,stapler muke die,slit muke die n then tmbh garam.geli2x.
nak jugak tgk cite Grind Meat - Thai Movie,but beginning is kind of boring,n i cant wait.hu3

Earlier,kt History Channel ade wat discovery pasl Highland Tower Tragedy.hmm.the story is kind of short.not mant input included,mayb dorg x de byk information for this case.but it is kind of useful for me, since im not really aware or know about this incident.


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