so sad,x dpt pg DIGI KPOP PARTY 2011.T.T
but nevermind,since ak dpt tgk dorg up-close (walaupn sekejap).:)
last friday 14th Jan 2011 (mark it on 'Dear Diary'!! ) he3,aku menang tiket pg KPOP HITZ Private TV Recording! :) Thank You, Astro Hitz!! it has been a 'good' treat to start my engine for new year.^^
event 2 wat kat Mist Club,Bangsar.event die start kol 5 p.m, but need 2 register at 3 p.m.aku g ngan farhana.banyakla kami bergosip2,since da lame x kuar same2.^^ ktorg bertolak awal, dlm kol 11 da pg.smpi sane kt kol 12.n then tkt kne 'kencing'  ngan pemandu teksi,ktorg jalan kaki dri LRT Bangsar ke Mist Club.it takes about 15 minutes.nasib baik Astro Hitz ade bg map.:) x adla sush nak carik jalan.
sampai je sane.da ade around 10 people beratuur.organizer pn x set up lagi setting.beratur punyala lame,around 3 pm ley msk register.tp stil x ley masuk.kol 5 baru dpt msk.hu2.
bile pin2 da buukak,sumer fans rushed.ktorg dpt line ke-4 from stage.:) bile MC da masuk,talking skit2.they announce recording start at 6.T.T tggu lagi.
first yg wat persembahan, winner from 'battle of underground'.they danced to 4Minute song.then DJ RItz (if x silap) maen lagu 4minute, who's next? & he interact with audience.but kesian r kt die,bile fans giler nmpk Manager 4minute & Beast!! 
Beast Manager (right)  with Junhyung.
4minute manager (right) with hyuna
the fans was like 'mama & papa razi trying to get their pics by calling their name!! telinga aku naek pekak dgr dorg jerit2!! 
finally g-na naek pentas !! the first song she sang 1st digital single die 'i'll back off,so u can live'..she's pretty! & small also! & very thinn!! die cute jugak!! officially suke die!!! :))
mase MC interview die,x yah translator.since she can speak english very well.then die nyanyi 'Supersolo' & promote her new album. Black & White
here's some of her pics, & im not going to upload the vids since u can watch her on 4th feb on astro Hitz at 3.30 pm.:) sorry of the quality of the pics.that's why movie is more better.:)
  & then 4Minute rock the stage with 'Hit Ur Heart'.they're damn sexyy!! LOL.they all are preety.;) & they're not as skinny as G-na..when they talked they need 2 translator.& aku pn x tau kenapa.hu2 2nd song they sang 'Hot Issue'.:)
some pics :
 when they first enter the stage.
 after the performance of 'HUH'
& last onne!! the major and only reason y i enter into the contest!!! :) It's Beast,dude! ;p
fans was like screaming their heart out..nak trkeluar anak tekak, & pekak telinga aku!! the first song they san 'Shock' that gives major shock to their fans,especially me!! Finally i get to watch them live after i missed them a few months agoo!! It's Hyunseung!!! <3 no kikwang.T.T he have some 'drama' shooting.Doojoon is very2 friendly.;) Dongwoon is freaking handsomee!! Yoseob is very2 cute & tiny.^^ Our Joker,Junhyung..Oh God,he looks very manlyy with the shadess.;p;p
last song they sang is 'Beautiful'.i just sang along with themm!! & Hyunseung was playing by himself at the corner!! ;p (mayb he's bored withoout Kikwang)

 the boys without Kikwang.

i'll not upload other pics bcos sgt2 blur.hu2

that's all.the recoding ended at 7pm.aku ngan farhana balik, & singgah makan kt JJ jap,sbb sgt2 lapa2.ktorg smpi umah dlm kol 10pm..it was a great experience for me.:) please come again to Malaysia for an awesome concert!! as u promised, leader ssi.:))

p/s: Jang Hyuk fanmeet report will be up soon.:)

P/S : credit me,if take the pics.:) thank u.^^


  1. wah..untung nye die......
    ain..need ur help vote aku join contest..hehehee
    meh baca sini nak lagi paham..



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