Jang Hyuk Meet & Greet.

First of all,thank you Astro for giving me 2 free passes.;) walaupun,mase isi borang,aku maen isi jer.x tau plak ley dpt.hu3.

Event : Jang Hyuk Meet & Greet
Time : 3PM
Date : 18 January 2011
Place : Ritz Carlton Hotel,Kuala Lumpur

sape Jang Hyuk?? ramai org tanye pasl die.sape pena tgk 'Chuno/Slave Hunter' msti kenal die.!
x pun cite 'Successful Story of Bright Girl'?? gi2la name cite die,die belakon ngan Jang nara.

pas kelas BC,ktorg trus pg sane.agak susah nk carik hotel 2,sbb tersorok skit.kne tnye kt satu pakcik nie kt Pavi,yg aku tau hotel nie dkt ngan Hotel Marriot.rupenye blakang 2 je.bile masuk hotel tue,ktorg cam 'batak' skit r.mewah gler kot!! ha2 (almaklumla,x pena g hotel taraf 4,5 bintang). sampai2 jer,cam x ramai org.pas2 ktorg trjmpe ngan 2 org girls nie.dorg pn menang gak.n dorg ckp,kt ats tue x de org pnn lagi.
niela mereka : 'Farah & Amirah' :)

so,decide nk g solat dlu.kt hotel tue x de surau kot!! perghh.die suruh pg Starhill.nsb baek bersambung ngan hotel tue.Starhill Gallery tue cam tmpt shopping for upclass people la.hu2
pas solat,ktorg g register.die suruh isi borang,pas2 dpt goodie bag free form One HD.:)
lulu & 'ain : Hepi dpt goodie bag!!
( ade bag,chinese new year angpau,termos-astro,notepad-OneHD )

dapat makan jugak,free!! Kami amat lapar.ade sandwich.makan fish & chip memang sedap!!, satay ayam grill dgn mushroom sauce. & coffee milk @ Nescafe.:)) makan da kenyang,ktorg pn tgkp2 gamba.;) the host is Serena C.she's so friendly.:)

while waiting,tetibe ade sorg lady nie dtg kt ktorg.die cakap nk temuramah ktorg.:)) cam cuak gak,nk kne ckp aper?? msk tv kott!! ha2.in the end.Farah yg ckp 'y ktorg minat Jang Hyuk'.n then kne cakap " Thank You One HD & Astro for bringing Jang Hyuk to Malaysia,Saranghae!"
bile part SARANGHAE tue terkuat lak!! ha3.sumer pandangg.in the end,dpt gak masuk..berebut2 org nk msk.ktorg x nak duduk depan skali,tkt dorg tnye soklan yg ktorg x tau nk jawab!! ;p ktorg dudul 2nd seat from infront.B4 Jang Hyuk masuk,die bg kuiz.& preview of his upcoming drama : Midas.he's looking very HOT in the drama!! then,the MC suruh ktorg pggl name die 'kuat2'!! then,he appeared!! wahh,jerit cam crazy je,kami2! ha2.mase nk g pentas,die salam sumer fans kt kerusi hujung!! ( lulu dpt salam ngan die) MC interview die.die kene fly back to Korea that night jugak.MC adela tnye bebrape soklan.yg aku igt,die da cube 'durian'.& die kate jgn tnye pasl makanan,sbb die blm rase lagi makanan Malaysia.Too bad la ,Ahjussi.THen,ade lucky draw.dpt autograph die & Take group pic with him! So Lucky! mase nk end tue,berebut2 org nk salam ngan die.aku dpt jugak!! FInally.;p
SOme pics of him.

ade lagi pics.tp malas nk upload.T.T & some 'blur'.after that event,we're officially Jang Hyuk Ahjussi Fans!!! <3 cant wait for her new drama Midas,which is going to be air on One HD.i'll certainly watch it.'On My List'!! :) It was fun.Thank You.

P/S : No HOTLINKING please!


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