Got a suprised call!

yup! i've got a suprised call from Universal Music Malaysia!
happy?? hmm.mayb.
aku cam x de perasaan tyme dat guy ckp ngan aku dlm tepon.
sebut name saye pn x btol.T.T
x kesahla.chinese mmg sush nk sebut perkataan 'AIN'.

i've won the passes to watch 'The Wanted' showcase live in KL.!!!
actually, the wanted pn aku x kenal.
main msk je contest kt UMM website.
all i need,is hit the 'Register' button! & tadaa!!! i got a call the next day.
actually bgs jugak,x dela aku dlm 'KPOP' world saje.:)

credit : google
The Wanted are a British-Irish pop boy band based in London. The group comprises Max George, Siva Kaneswaran, Jay McGuiness, Tom Parker and Nathan Sykes.
i've tried to listen to some of their songs! Quite good.:)
this group reminds me of 'McFly'.^^
Looking Forward for their performance this Sunday at The Curve.:))


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