Not just memories,but a life journey.:)

sudah lame tidak mengupdate,busy with a lot of things.hu2
syukur alhamdulillah.:)
selepas approx. 2 years & 8 months selesai sudah Diploma In Accounting kt IIC. 
sekarang aku ade dalam 5 bln before result UPU keluar.
hmm.harap2 dpt msk IPT.InsyaAllah.
so,igtkan nk wat -Memory Lane- IIC la entry kali nie.he3
banyak kenangan manis & pahit aku lalui kt IIC.
sape kawan,sape lawan..setakat nie x de lawan kot.he3
pengalaman berjaya + gagal.

-lulu & ain- 1st sem.:)
-ain & erna- 1st  sem.:)
-US- i've been with them together since our 1st sem.:) they enriched my life journey in IIC.<3
-muka2 innocent dulu-he3
-berkawan biar 10000000+++, berkasih biar 1-
-lagi berkawann..kekasih tetap 1- ;p;p
-company yg best! ~ Golden Cruise~
mereka2 yg jjang!! :))

i hoped we all get what we dream of,although we lead a different ways.:)
p/s : sape2 takde dlm gamba,jgn sediy..because we're going to make 1,when we meet again.dunia ni kecik je,insyaAllah berjumpa lagi.^^
To Erna,Ain,Lulu & Ros : Remember our promises.:) 


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