
Showing posts from June, 2013

소년의 편지

JYJ - Boy's Letter There is a girl that only knows me Who is like a star, always in place, that shines on me To me who is selfish and foolish- She says thank you, I love you- so I shed tears Now I will become your sky so you can brilliantly shine * Will you love with me forever? On this path alone, I can’t see anything I can’t live without you You are the only light to me I, who only knows you, am here I was a boy who was too coward to say I love you Whether you laughed or cried, I didn’t know And I only made you wait- I hated myself for that I hated the tears that were shed- I won’t hurt you anymore * repeat When the hands of the sky and light face one another I will send this letter for you Will you stay at this place with me? In this coldness that is like the darkness Let us trust each other’s warmth and become like the hot sun Let’s become an unforgettable song of the sky So that even when we close our eyes and reminisce We will not be exhausted anymore Love me, p

Sape tak sayang bini oiii..

  Aku suke citer nih.:) walaupn tak bace novel die,mayb pas nie akan aku bace. Izzue Islam & Tiz Zaqyah bawak watak dlm cite nie sempoi giler. dgr cite, drama nie ade bape belas je episode die, skang kt tv pn da episode 10. Actually aku jarang tgk cerita melayu sekarang. sebelum ni ade cerita yg membe2 aku sume tgk 'sehingga hujung nyawa' sorry to say, cite tue pn aku x tgk.huhuhu tapi cite 'Sebenarnya saya isteri dia!' nie memg menarik perhatian aku tgk.:) chemistry Tiz ngan Izzue Islam memg hebat la..hahaha p/s : Izzue Islam tue da kawin rupenye ~~~

Bukit Tabur.

16 Mei 2013 A trip to Bukit Tabur anjuran Persatuan Seni Silat Cekak Ustaz Hanafi IIUM.:) Bukit Tabur is located near to Taman Melawati. It tooks us about 20 minutes to reached there. We depart from UIA at 7 am.We took our breakfast at 'Tangga Besar UIA' and some briefing from Has, as our guider today. It was a challenged for me and myself. I have never went for hiking. Actually, im pretty concerned and worried whether i can finished hiking because of asthma. Alhamdulillah, everything went smoothly.:)                                                         - the view of our first pit stop - it was really hard actually. i drank a lot of water and eat chocolate because hiking drained a lot of my energy.T.T - Pika and Ayu -                                                  - another great view from Bukit Tabur -                                                                     - Ain & Ayu - - the view of UIA -  the reason why we

Good Day.~~~

to post 1 entry every 1 year, i guess?? hahaha i'll try to make post as much as possible.i enjoyed blogging for the past few years. what to talk aboutt?? hmmmm.. oh, on last 8 Jun 2013, my last paper for this semester.:) i hope my hardwork are pay with a good result.may be not good as when i was in IIC. for this year, my first time taking short semester. When in IIC,taking short sem is my chance to increase  my CGPA. I hope i have the chance this year.Pray for me guys.:)  Usually, when i first start studying in IIUM, during short sem, i will worked at Manjaku,earned some money. But not this time. Oh, another things.hehehe Beast released new single!!! I'm Sorry.:) it is good, but i think 'Will You Be Alright' is better.