Bukit Tabur.

16 Mei 2013

A trip to Bukit Tabur anjuran Persatuan Seni Silat Cekak Ustaz Hanafi IIUM.:)
Bukit Tabur is located near to Taman Melawati. It tooks us about 20 minutes to reached there. We depart from UIA at 7 am.We took our breakfast at 'Tangga Besar UIA' and some briefing from Has, as our guider today.

It was a challenged for me and myself.
I have never went for hiking. Actually, im pretty concerned and worried whether i can finished hiking because of asthma.
Alhamdulillah, everything went smoothly.:)

                                                        - the view of our first pit stop -

it was really hard actually. i drank a lot of water and eat chocolate because hiking drained a lot of my energy.T.T

- Pika and Ayu -

                                                 - another great view from Bukit Tabur -

                                                                    - Ain & Ayu -

- the view of UIA - 

the reason why we went to Bukit Tabur : to see the great view of the top of UIA.:) you can see a whole view of UIA.

                                                                 - Dam of Klang Gate -

It was a great experience for me.:) i Wish to go here again maybe for the next 10 years.hehehe


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