Good Day.~~~

to post 1 entry every 1 year, i guess?? hahaha

i'll try to make post as much as possible.i enjoyed blogging for the past few years.
what to talk aboutt?? hmmmm..

oh, on last 8 Jun 2013, my last paper for this semester.:)
i hope my hardwork are pay with a good result.may be not good as when i was in IIC.
for this year, my first time taking short semester. When in IIC,taking short sem is my chance to increase  my CGPA. I hope i have the chance this year.Pray for me guys.:)

 Usually, when i first start studying in IIUM, during short sem, i will worked at Manjaku,earned some money. But not this time.

another things.hehehe
Beast released new single!!!
I'm Sorry.:)
it is good, but i think 'Will You Be Alright' is better.


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