A short sweet escape.:)

Vacation dgn family memg ter'baek'!
benda yg memg x ley nak disangkal..
this time, aku g vacation dgn my auntie and her daughter, 2 sisters n 1 brother aku and my 2 cousins.
cuti kali nie kami g langkawi!!
walaupn nie kali ke-3 aku g langkawi,x de hal la, janji ade org belanja.hehehe
trip nie fully sponsored by UMMI n K.Intan.<3 Thanks a bunch to them.

Kami ke Langkawi pagi sabtu.
Flight aku, K.Intan & Shahmi 8.35 pagi and ktorg naek MAS.
Ummi and the rest,flight dorg kol 10 pagi, n dorg fly gne Air Asia.

So,ktorg yg smpi dlu.sampai je sana, trus K.Intan carik kereta for the rest of 3 days in Langkawi.
She got Nissan Serena.Wahhh,kete ni space die super big! Memg awesome.
Ktorg menginap kt Resort World Hotel dkt Pantai Tengah.BEST, since each of us got a bed.hehe

So, basically ktrog pg makam mahsuri, naek cable car, shoping kt Haji Ismail Group, makan makanan yg extremely pedas but sedap :) .

The view from hotel yg ktorg stay. More beautiful than Pantai Cenang.

                                                                     - our second day -

         - makam mahsuri -

                                                                  - telaga mahsuri -

jumpe cicak ni dekat dinding kt muzium kraf. First time nampak cicak nie aku igtkan tipu.tp memg betol pn.hehe


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