Huawei Honor 4C & Asus Zenfone 5

Officially owned a new phone!!!!
Happy.hehehe Since Abah promised us (Me and Icha) a new phone each, we finally got one.:)
I particularly want to have SAMSUNG phone because i never have phone other than from SAMSUNG.
Tapi, bila tengok pada budget Abah provide, choose to have Lenovo or Huawei.
Lenovo price dia memang banyak range. Tapi, still tak berkenan.
Lastly, aku pun pilih Huawei (white colour).
Huawei Honor 4C
Kenapa Huawei??
1) Harga of course murah kan. Since from China. China is very well known of producing goods cheaper than other country, since dorang punya labor cost or material cost maybe murah.
2) Abah punya influence. Tempat kerja abah, which is Freescale produces chips for electrical products or car, Huawei is one daripada chip produces by Freescale. So, yes. I choose to believe in that. :)
3) Ada banyak lagi.

Yang nie icha beli (she choose black colour), harga dia RM519 (including gst 6%) :
Asus Zenfone 5

So far so good. Rupenya internal memory dia 8gb jeeee. Mati - mati la aku ingat 16gb since icha dia beli Asus Zenfone 5, specs lebih kurang macam aku punya, tapi internal memory dia 16gb kot. Tak acii!!! Tapi handphone icha bateri cepat drain la.
So, sekarang baru aku tahu, more thinner your phone is, cepat habis bateri. Before this, aku guna Samsung Galaxy Y yang aku beli sendiri like 3 years ago. Memang bateri tahan lama sampai 2-3 hari since aku jarang guna phone. Yang ni, almost like every day you need to charge your phone. And I do not own any powerbank and maybe I should buy one.huhuhu

Before beli, memang aku survey harga dekat Memang murah2. Bila nak beli, adik cakap beli dekat kawan dia dekat Plaza Gombak (tak silap) and we waited for him to come home (since he lives in Perak), tengok2 kedai kawan dia tutup on the weekends. Masa pergi kenduri hari sabtu lepas, abah tunjuk ada kedai phone baru bukak dekat deret2 tempat kerja dia (PJ), owh yess, that is the place!! Orang cakap murah kedai dia. Cara nak beli, you choose want you want, there are many phones for almost every brand!!! then, they will guide you to the counter and you will have yours! Harga memang MURAH!!! Before beli, survey dekat Wangsa Walk Mall dulu, harga phone yang aku nak nie, RM 799, sedangkan dekat DirectD cuma RM599 je!! (ni termasuk gst 6%)
DirectD dekat PJ baru buka. Dia ada lagi 1 cawangan dekat Subang Jaya. SS15.
Kalau nak beli handphone memang aku recommend this place.:)


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